The first pregnancy consultation
It is during your first pregnancy consultation that you will concretely plan the stages of your pregnancy. Yes, it is not a dream: you are pregnant and in a few months, you will give birth to the most beautiful baby in the world. You can know about your safe days for pregnancy with help of Safe days calculator.
The first consultation of pregnancy: when to program?
Preferably schedule this very first prenatal visit by the end of the second month, and imperatively before the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. Also, remember to choose a date when the future dad will be available if you so desire! And do not skip this first meeting between two professional meetings: this medical consultation is intended to know you more precisely and to determine the possible risk factors. It will be longer than the following prenatal visits!
Pregnant, but how many weeks?
After confirmation of your pregnancy, by a simple gynecological examination or an ultrasound, the doctor will calculate the approximate date of conception, and thus that of the term: one speaks in weeks of amenorrhea, that is to say from the date last rules.
To assess possible minor problems that may arise during pregnancy and to propose a suitable medical follow-up, your doctor needs very precise information concerning in particular:
Now is the time, if you have not done so yet, to talk to your doctor about possible minor ailments(nausea, “bar-ups” …) or to ask him the questions that concern you (how is it going? to give birth, how to announce it to children? …). Do not worry; you will not leave with a list, ten pages long, listing the prohibitions and obligations related to your new condition! However, listen carefully to the advice of your doctor and try to put it into practice, especially if it is your consumption of alcohol or tobacco that is targeted …
The general practitioner, your local contact
Her job: It is the doctor who follows you in any situation and at any age. It is also the one that you will most likely deal with during your life and it constitutes your medical file. Moreover, it is at the heart of the health trail by sending you to the appropriate specialist when necessary. The general practitioner is a doctor who knows the family well and the background of the mother-to-be.
The midwife, always at your service
Her job: The midwife often becomes the interlocutor of choice for pregnant women. She accompanies you before, during and after pregnancy and is present at every stage. She is a specialist in physiology and answers all your questions.
Her habilitations during pregnancy: The midwife can fully perform the seven mandatory prenatal consultations in the case of a safe pregnancy. She can also declare pregnancy and prescribe the various pregnancy tests (blood tests, urine tests, trisomy 21 screening, and pregnancy ultrasounds) as well as pregnancy-related medications. Some midwives also provide birth preparation classes. On the other hand, when a pathology occurs (gestational diabetes, risk of premature delivery, hypertension …), a doctor must take over. The midwife may, however, practice the care prescribed by this physician. After the birth, she can support you during your breastfeeding, for the re-education of the perineum and in case of baby blues or even postpartum depression…
The medical gynecologist, specialist of the woman
Her job: When we use the term medical gynecologist, we talk about gynecologists who do not practice deliveries or surgery. Practitioners are consulted for annual follow-up. It also deals with abnormalities and dysfunctions of the genital system, supports gynecological pathologies, performs hormonal or fertility assessments and prescribes different contraceptive methods … As the attending physician, the medical gynecologist is an interlocutor with whom the patients establish a relationship of trust.
Its habilitations during the pregnancy: It will be able to ensure the follow-up of pregnancy but the visits of the 8th and 9th month will be realized by an obstetric gynecologist, the one who will ensure the delivery. With luck, he will be equipped to do an ultrasound follow-up.
With a little luck, it will be equipped and you will also enjoy an ultrasound follow-up.
The gynecologist-obstetrician, the pro of pregnancy
Her job: Obstetrics is a branch of gynecology. She is committed to taking care of a woman’s medical and surgical point of view during her pregnancy as well as the future baby.