It is a little known fact that depression can affect bodybuilders as well as any other humans on the planet. The truth is that we do not normally associate bodybuilders and their huge physique and egos with the debilitating monster called depression. However, many bodybuilders are over awed by the perfect physiques they often encounter in images, videos, films and TV relating to well-known wresting and other personalities. Others cannot forget the people they see working out at the gym and often wonder what they are doing wrong and why they are not getting the results they seek. Any or all of this can amount to a reason for depression. This article will give you many beneficial tips on how to avoid falling into depression and keeping your hopes high no matter what your rate of progress.
The first step in conquering depression is of course, admitting that you have it. Body builders are known for their physical prowess and even bigger egos, so you can imagine how difficult it can get to admit to a difficulty in the psychological area. Depression affects the way we appear to and respond to others, and even how we feel about ourselves. It helps to talk to someone you can trust to take the matter seriously and not ridicule you. It is often easier and more productive to put yourself in the hands of a professional. Any information you divulge is guaranteed to be kept confidential as well.
The second step is for the sufferer to rid themselves of the negative feelings or stigma that is attached to the disease. They are often told to think positive, forget about negativity and worthlessness, but not told how to. This makes them more frustrated and dejected. This is why professional help for sufferers of depression is always the best alternative.
For those who are known to suffer from SAD or seasonal affective disorder, it is wise to get yourself tested for deficiencies in thyroid and Vitamin D levels at the onset of every winter season. For those who live in the northern hemisphere, lack of sunlight can be a trigger for SAD and depression. Feeling sluggish, fatigued and loss of energy are the symptoms which can usually be addressed through supplements and medication. Low thyroid levels are similarly indicated by dry and brittle skin, cold hands and feet, loss of memory, brittle nails and lack of concentration.
I know and understand that continuing training through depression is very difficult and seems almost impossible, but a little common sense will tell you that the release of endorphins and adrenaline while in the process of exercising can help conquer and defeat many symptoms of depression. If the most difficult part is venturing outside to the gym, please involve a training partner who is disciplined yet sympathetic to your cause. Setting a time limit of 40 minutes for your workout and reducing the number of sets and movements to the bare minimum can help on days that seem difficult. Yet consistency will pay off in the long run and can help you feel good as well.
Sometimes we set goals that are challenging and difficult to reach. It is all very well to set inspiring goals but when we are depressed or down, not getting off to a good start or reaching a plateau can further serve to depress and deject the sufferer. So go easy on the workout and remember that getting it done is itself an accomplishment.