Struggling with addiction can be a real problem. Taking the bold step of becoming sober is also a huge task to embark and one that requires support from those around you. Many people who find joy in drinking and using substances can have a hard time staying sober. It may seem impossible to live their lives without a bottle of wine, beer, or spirit for a single day.
As easy as it may sound, being sober is not an easy thing to do for many people, and a rough estimate of over 90% of people who have been involved in long-term sobriety had many relapses on their journey to stay sober. While an average individual may have had issues with several relapses before they finally get a working lasting solution other had it rough.
While staying sober, impending warnings of relapse are known to be present even before picking up a bottle. Staying sober revolves around the change made to one’s surrounding to avoid relapse. Keeping the same people, visiting the same place, maintaining the same routine as it were when being addicted makes it easier to go back into relapse. Below are four ways of taking advantage of your sobriety:
1) Become Physically Active
The long-term use of alcohol, beer, or spirit at a significant amount of time is prone to affect the health and mental wellbeing of such individual. The probability of one not in the best physical shape is high, and as a result, frequent health physical activities is recommended. A recent study by Stop Drinking Expert advises individuals to involve in recreational activities to help reduce stress and anxiety as this is a major trigger to relapse.
2) Get Involved In Healthy Relationships
After a long time of addiction, the majority of individuals are observed to have very few relationships with the closest being their drink of choice. The relationship established with the drink of choice is considered co-dependent, and as a result, it is important to change. A great way to start might be by going to support groups and talking more to real people around.
3) Maintain Balance and Control
Stopping an addiction often leads to another all in the name of staying sober, which is not the case. Individuals new to sobriety often make the mistake of although maintaining a healthy lifestyle but also moving into another addiction. Maintaining perfect sobriety allows one to maintain an even balance on all schedules and activities. The key to sobriety is control or choices made.
4) Start Healthy Nutrition
While staying sober is a crucial step, healthy nutrition and diet are of the utmost importance. Late night drinks and hangovers mainly result in settling down for fast foods, which are not of the best decision. Improved healthy nutrition results in better eating habits, which can, in turn, improve the physical growth of the body.
Sobriety offers individuals a better decision-making process, along with improved mental and social wellbeing. When making use of the proposed advantages of staying sober, individuals are advised to maintain stability over their lives and try not to relapse in any way possible.