Whether you are attempting to hit the gym after a busy day at work or you just haven’t slept well after a stressful couple of weeks of family problems, we’ve all found ourselves in the situation of lacking the energy to work out when we know we need to be in the gym.
It can leave a feeling of helplessness and more often than not, there are two solutions – either abandon the workout for another day or carry on with it regardless, which can lead to a disappointing session that leaves you even more down and drained than you were before you started. It’s a vicious circle.
Well, help is at hand with these five tips to increase your energy levels before you hit the gym.
Motivation is the most powerful and cheapest form of energy boost you can find. Whether it comes in the form of wanting to get into shape to appear more attractive, prolong your life or achieve something such as running a marathon, by thinking and concentrating on what you want to get out of your workout, you can give yourself an instant energy boost to get you through that gym session in the form of motivation.
Our bodies best source of energy comes from the food we put into it. Each item of food we eat contains energy which comes in the form of calories – the more calories we eat, the more fuel we give ourselves. Foods that are good for a quick energy boost are anything high in fibers and fruits such as bananas, watermelon, pineapple and mangos that are high in healthy sugars which can produce a quick energy boost.
The ease of access to caffeine makes it one of the most popular ways of boosting energy. About 90 percent of American’s consume caffeine in some form every single day whether it is through coffee, coke, tea or energy drinks. It temporarily increases your mental alertness, although the fact it is only temporary means that what comes up must come down and there is every chance you will experience a caffeine crash afterward.
Because there are many ways you can get the support you require, it is important that you are aware of what is out there and how it can be used, for example, if you need a boost to your day then you might go for supplements such as Morning Complete which has been said to aid in your overall wellness. For more information on this dietary supplement, you may want to take a look at fitnessclone.com.
The average person sweats out up to 1.4 liters of water during exercise per hour. Water is the most important nutrient in the body and it has a vital role to play in helping you make energy, which is why when we are dehydrated we feel weaker. Drinking plenty of water can help rehydrate your body and improve the effectiveness of it the energy-making process.