Bodybuilding Sleep Tips – You Snooze, You Win!

Getting a sufficient amount of sleep every day is vital for maximizing muscle growth and fat loss. It’s equally important as having a good training program and sticking to a healthy diet. By ensuring you get adequate rest each night, your energy levels, mood, motivation, and concentration will always be at their peak which is vital for maximum performance in and out of the gym. Benefits of sleeping for muscle gain also include optimizing the production of important muscle building and fat burning hormones and improving the efficiency at which your body utilizes fat for energy. Lastly, sleep also helps to reduce levels of cortisol which aids to waste muscles and store fat.

Although falling asleep after you spent the entire day exercising and working on your body seem pretty easy, you can sometimes experience insomnia. Being sleep deprived or frequently waking up in the middle of the night may hinder all the effects of exercising. That’s why we are sharing with you our top bodybuilding sleep tips. These tips are rather simple to implement right away, and over time, it will definitely help you improve the quality of your slumber.

Maintain a Consistent Sleep/Wake Schedule

Waking up and going to bed roughly at the same time every day is critical for tuning your internal body clock. This way, your body will exactly know when to expect to sleep and wake up. This will help to reduce the time you need for falling asleep at night, and it should ensure you wake up every morning refreshed.

Get a New Mattress

If your mattress is old and has visible signs of deterioration, you should consider getting a new model. Sleeping on an old mattress is bad for your health and performance gains because it reduces the quality of sleep you are getting. Also, if your bed is saggy, it may cause back pain. To choose the best mattress according to your needs and personal preferences, we recommend visiting

Bodybuilding Sleep Tips

It is also essential to use your bedroom strictly for sleeping and sex. Work or any mind stimulating activity should be done elsewhere. Your bedroom should be associated only with relaxation and pleasant activities, and not with stress and problem-solving.

Avoid Electronics Before Bed

Since electronic devices such as your computer and smartphone can stimulate your brain, it is best to avoid using them at least half an hour or one hour before bed. Since bright light may suppress melatonin production, a hormone vital for regulating sleep, when you are preparing yourself for rest, you should dim the lights a bit and unplug all your electronic devices for 30 minutes before bed.

Avoid Sleeping Too Full or Too Hungry

This varies from person to person, but generally speaking, being too full or hungry can prevent you from getting proper sleep. Ideally, eat a small to medium sized meal within a few hours of going to bed to give your body enough time to digest the meal and release insulin. Insulin helps with melatonin production, so this will actually help you sleep better.

Avoid Caffeine 6-8 Hours Before Sleep

Even if you can fall asleep just fine after drinking a cup of coffee in the evening, beverages that contain caffeine should be avoided before bed because caffeine decreases the overall quality of sleep.also CBD gummies are helpful for sleeping choose always quality gummies because not all CBD gummies are created equal.

Use Sleep Supplements

If you have troubles with insomnia, using natural sleep supplements may help you to sleep better. We recommend drinking chamomile or valerian root tea or taking supplements that contain GABA, melatonin, 5-HTP and other sleep-inducing amino acids.