Few years back, nobody knew that overtraining can be such a serious issue but now it is being discussed everywhere because of its effects on body during and after training. A lot of research has been done on this particular issue and more is being carried out to understand it more clearly. A strength and conditioning Journal has recently published a study which was conducted to discover how muscles are affected because of overtraining.
Various proteins were brought under consideration to learn about their involvement into catabolism and anabolism as they are considered to be essential amino acids. A hormone is a gesturing molecule which travels through the blood in the body and most of the hormones are proteins. An important protein which is actually a hormone was worked on during the study is called IGF-1 which is thought to be greatly involved into anabolic effects.
The term anabolic effects is actually used to refer its support and involvement into building muscle tissues. The other proteins which were studied are myogenin and MyoD. They are known to be transcription elements because of their help in regulating the genetic expression and muscles tissues development.
The catabolic protein is known as MAFbx and it helps in muscle tissues breakdown. During the study, the researchers used mice which made it much easier for them to examine muscle interaction whole perspective. Exclusive workouts were designed to see the effects of overtraining on body and for this purpose the load was increased at least 15% which was greater than the usual recommendation of the load used to increase the size as well as strength. The exercise plan was set to follow on 5 days per week approach for the next 12 weeks in which the time for recovery was intentionally reduced.
The main purpose of this exclusive study was to highlight and observe all factors that are involved in overtraining. An increased level in hormones such as cortisol that causes stress and other hormones such as creatine kinase may lead to the reduction of testosterone and this may be resulted into increased cases of injuries, illnesses. If someone experiences lower level of testosterone, he might observe clear reduction into performance during physical activities and poor mood and both of them are considered to very clear signs of overtraining.
The study has shown that the alterations to the protein and hormones called IGF-1, myogenin, MyoD, & MAFbx are from the major triggers of overtraining and they really make a difference. The researchers are still working on these factors and hopefully further improvement will soon be brought publicly.
Overtraining must be suppressed or else you might never get the results you are actually working for and if you fail to do so, this will be really hard for you to accept because you have worked much harder to make your dream come true and it will not be easy to see broken dreams. Keeping in view all the factors that lead you to do overtraining can greatly help you deal with this problem.