Working out is no piece of cake. It might look like a straightforward thing to do with fancy gym gear, and gym bags slumped across shoulders, earphones plugged in, and athletic watches are adorning the wrists. However, when looked closely, it is a very hectic thing to do and takes its toll on your body. When you work out, your muscles are going through a tough time. Or that they are tearing themselves apart so they can grow again to be healthier and better than before. After every session, your body is cramped and aches all over. 

The exercising muscles require a lot of energy for their constant contraction and relaxation, and they get this from the breakdown of foods that you have eaten; proteins, carbs, and so on. To stock up again on your energy levels and to avoid feeling fatigued and tired, you need to have a proper post-workout meal. This doesn’t mean that you can eat whatever you want, such as candies, chocolates, or such junk food. A post-workout meal means vegetables, fruits, dairy, post-workout supplements, and protein bars. Let us look at the meal plan in detail to develop a healthy eating habit that complements your incredible workout session.


If you don’t like trips to the kitchen at all or are very lazy to do any extra work, then post-workout supplements are the best way to go. They come in tablets or powder form and are packed with all the essential nutrients needed by your body after a hectic gyming. They help with muscle recovery, muscle synthesis, add muscle mass, and provide your body with energy. They work wonders for your body and are highly effective in what they do. However, before purchasing your post-workout supplements, you need to consult your gym instructor and nutritionist to make the most of them.


Proteins are the saviors of your body. They have the highest calorific value. For those of you out there who aren’t familiar with this scientific term, this means that proteins have the most top content of energy-packed up and loaded inside them. This high content of energy is what your post-workout body needs. Proteins are made up of a thousand little molecules known as amino acids, and these amino acids help build and repair the torn muscles. Thus, the intake of protein is pivotal. Luckily, the consumption of proteins comes in a lot of forms, so you can choose what you like best. Chicken, red meat, fish, beans, almonds, chickpeas, etcetera are all various forms of protein. These aren’t very hard to get and are easy on the pockets as well. So, stock up on these and prepare a delicious meal for yourself. Remember not to assault the proteins with excess oil and spices! Keep it simple and help your muscles heal.


Our body is like an energy reserve with various energy stores. One of these stores is that of glycogen. Glycogen is a form of stored energy in animals, and again, our exercising muscles depend on these in intense workout sessions. Carbohydrates also help in repairing our damaged tissues. So, we must replenish these energy stores, which can be achieved by eating carbohydrates. Carbs are found in a large variety of foods. They come in the form of peas, carrots, lettuce, oats, barley, parsley, celery, and so on. It is a never-ending list. The advantage of carbohydrates is that you don’t have to spend time cooking it if you are feeling extra tired and can barely move a muscle. All you need to do is add the said list of ingredients in a salad or make a yogurt bowl. Both of these won’t require much time or effort, and you can grab your salad or yogurt bowl and enjoy it on the couch with your favorite movie playing in front of you! How perfect does that sound?


Now, this is a word many of us fear about and especially those who work out. People flip over labels to check the fat content in anything and everything they buy; they continuously obsess over and monitor their fat intake. While this is a healthy thing to do, it is not always the wisest. Fats have been stereotyped with a very negative definition. It doesn’t always mean cheesy pizzas, huge burgers, french fries soaked up with oil, and other forms of fast food. Sometimes, fats are a good thing and just what the body needs, but you need to be careful where you derive this fat from and how much of it you eat. Our collection is a complicated thing, and it needs a little bit of everything to keep it functioning smoothly and efficiently. Therefore, it needs a small percentage of fat too. Fats have several different functions, such as keeping us warm and providing us with energy. They also increase the muscle mass, and this tones your muscles and gives them a beautiful shape. So, to sum it up, you cannot go wrong with the consumption of fat if taken with care and in proper amounts. Eat 1-2 eggs after your workout, have an avocado, eat a little bit of dark chocolate or have fish. These are all healthy options, and sources of the fats needed by your body.


Going to the gym and achieving your desired physique is a long and strenuous journey. You need to work hard, be consistent, and determined. It might be a long journey, so you need to be patient as well, but most importantly, you need to take care of yourself. Involve yourself in proper nutritionally balanced post work out meal plans. Take the appropriate amount of everything, and don’t neglect your health. So, what are you waiting for? Hit your nearest grocery stores now!